Welcome to the Eat More Weigh less program. We're excited to have you on board andwe can't wait to help you reach yourgoals for weight loss and good health.To get started, we've created a simple sevenstep process that will guide you through everythingyou need to know to start this programand to complete it successfully.
Step number one - be aware ofthe materials we've provided you with. This includes your daily videos, cooking videos, the EatMore index or EMI chart, daily menus, a dietdiary, and meal and exercise planning tools. These resources will help you find foods thatwill help you control your weight and guideyou through your weight loss journey.
Step number two- write down the three most important reasons whyyou want to lose weight and write down number of poundsthat you want to lose during this program and a goalweight that you want to ultimately achieve along with a datewhen you want to achieve that goal. This will help you staymotivated throughout the program.
Step number three- set up your daily plan. Create a to do list of the things that youneed to do for the day, but also plan yourmenu and make an appointment with yourself for your exercise. Remember, planning is a key to success.
Step number four - watch the introductory videos on the overview,the quick start and how to use the EMI chart. Then review the menu for the day. This will help you to understand the program and makeit easier for you to stick with your daily plan.
Step number five - go shopping for the foods that youwill need based on the menu for the day.This will make it easier for you to stay ontrack and stick with the guidelines of the program.
Step number six - prepare your food according tothe menu and our cooking videos and eatwhile remembering to eat according to our guidelines.This includes eating according to the EMI chart. Preferably choosing foods that have anEMI number higher than four. Chewing your food is important eating slowly untilyou're satisfied, but not stuffing yourself so thatyour hunger satisfaction drive takes over. And also, you should not eatwithin 3 hours before bedtime.
Step number seven - do your diet diaryand plan for the next day. Keeping track of what you eat and planning your mealsahead of time is crucial to achieving your goals. People who do a diet diary have been shown tobe twice as successful at long term weight control. Remember, we have already proven that thisprogram works, so remember that the programworks when you work the program. Stick with your plan, follow the guidelines, stay motivated,imagine how you'll feel when you lose those extrapounds and it will be worth it for youto learn how to eat more and weigh less.
Now, something about the diet thatyou should be aware of. This diet should help you improve yourphysical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Physically, we've documented that it helps to controlblood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. We have also documented that ithelps to control pain and inflammation. We believe that this is because the diet is anantiinflammatory diet and is modeled after eating patterns of peoplewho don't get diabetes, obesity or heart disease. Emotionally, it helps you tobe more resilient to stress. One of the ways it does this is it helps to increase the availability of serotonin.Serotonin helps people to be calmand also helps to satisfy hunger.
We now know that 90% ofserotonin is produced by gut flora.We believe that the high quality of fiberfrom grain and vegetables in our program helpsto optimize serotonin production and helps you tobe more calm and resilient to stress. Mentally, it helps to keep your mind sharpby improving levels of other neurotransmitters which arealso produced by the gut flora and alsoby improving blood circulation to the brain. Spiritually, a plantbased diet appearsto enhance meditation and prayers. This is something that has been practiced bymany from the Ascends, the Buddhist monks, the Hindu priests, and in the Judeo Christian bookof Daniel for thousands of years. I continue to wish you the best of healthand don't forget that we have an upcoming webinar. The time and link will be in your email. This is Dr.Shintani. For your health.